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Project 3: Right Here, Right Now

CS 424 Project

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In order to have a working application the team had to come together and organize tasks depending on individual specialties. Each member had the responsibility of some aspect of the application and exececuted their respective task.

Team Members

Abhinav Kumar:

Worked on handling the data. This was done by using ajax and http request. Also worked on graph styling, code design, among other varius bug fixes.

Bryan Spahr:

Created weather icons and worked on documentation

Carlos Ortega:

Focused on creating code for filtering data and UI design using CSS and jQuery. Also code design and logic.

Nicholas "Niko" Bessinas:

In charge of researching and applying varius plugins and GUI elements in order to make the application more dynamic. Created custom markers and svg icons for the application.

Weekly Status

Please click here to see the git commits done by the members.

Week 1

AbhinavCreated initial demo of application including weather and data requesting.
BryanCreated Weather icons
CarlosReformated code for better use by creating classes for markers.
NikoAdded sidebar to the application and researched the leaflet API.

Week 2

AbhinavCreated refresh function, added crime datasets and implemented the CTA bus tracker API. Fixed weather icon error .
CarlosImplemented geojson util library, worked on filtering by rectangle and created initial graphs using D3. Bug fixes.
NikoImplemented leaflet draw, created popups for the markers and created and implemented custom icons for the markers. Fixed bugs.

Week 3

AbhinavMore bug fixes. Fixed time filter. Reformatted the graphs as well as styling them and created a legend to go with the graphs. Added food inspection data. Extended data functions so as to get a full month of data. Created function to draw UIC rectangle. Extended refresh functions to be able to show a popup when there is new data. Documentation.
BryanDocumentation: Patterns and Findings
CarlosFixed a memory leak issue. Added support for drawing and showing data withing multiple rectangles. Extened refresh function and filter by shape to be able to filter with any polygon or circles. Made button controls for filters and to toggle the weather icon. CSS and UI changes to make app look better and more responsive. Documentation.
NikoAdded CTA icons and popups. Updated icons and attributions. Created and added icon for food inspections as well as makind the popups for it. Implemented the wikipedia library for leaflet as a layer. Changed the control pannel and implemented the leaflet pannel layers. CSS changes to make app look better by changing fonts. Added content to info tab inside bar. Documentation.