Right Here, Right Now
Right Here, Right Now is the second project in the course CS 424: Visualization and Visual Analytics under Prof. Andrew Johnson at University of Illinois at Chicago(UIC). We are going to take a look at live data from the Chicago area, integrating a variety of sources onto a single leaflet map to help users make decisions about their travel plans. Projects 1 and 2 enabled their users to look for interesting features or trends in older data; the idea here is to give the user more timely data in order to make decisions. Right now we can get real-time weather, real-time automobile traffic, information on bike availability, etc. How can that data be integrated to allow the user to make more informed choices for how they want to get from point A to point B.
The navigation links above allow you to navigate the documentation. A description of the navigation is as follows:
Home | Provides a high-level overview of the project. |
Youtube Demo | Four minute demo video with sound of the application in action. |
Run the App | Clicking this link launches the application. |
Project Data | Overview of the data used in this application. |
Team | Meet the team that contributed to the project! |
Source Code | Download the application code here. |
How To | Overview of the application with screen shots. |
Interesting Findings and Patterns | Interesting findings or patterns found in Chicago using the application. |
Team Members
Carlos Ortega
Nicholas Bessinas
Bryan Spahr
Abhinav Kumar
Weekly Status
Please click here to see the weekly contribution\status of each team member.